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  • Construction works are on the schedule in the industrial park Phoenix

Construction works are on the schedule in the industrial park Phoenix

Construction works are on the schedule in the industrial park Phoenix

It should be reminded that within the Government contract on highway and on-site networks of engineering infrastructure of the state industrial park Phoenix, the company SIKAME (the Russian branch of the group of companies SICAME) finishes construction of the main object of engineering infrastructure, a transformer substation from which the new enterprises will receive energy.

ООО «Корпорация инвестиционного развития Смоленской области»
214025, Россия, Смоленск, ул. Полтавская, д.8а (здание БТИ, 4 этаж)
+7 (4812) 77-00-22

It should be reminded that within the Government contract on highway and on-site networks of engineering infrastructure of the state industrial park Phoenix, the company SIKAME (the Russian branch of the group of companies SICAME) finishes construction of the main object of engineering infrastructure, a transformer substation from which the new enterprises will receive energy.

Substation capacity is 22,25 MW and according to experts it would be enough to provide with the electric power the small microraion (a residential district). There were laid out over 7,5 km of the high-voltage VL-110kv line before installation of substation.

The Vice Governor of the Smolensk region Rostislav Rovbel summed up the results of the next stage of operation over the project at the regular meeting of the working group on creation of infrastructure of industrial parks in the territory of the region: "We finish construction of substation of 110/10 kW. It is a big and responsible stage of operation. The significance of this project is obvious to the Smolensk region even at this stage".

According to him, all conditions to start the construction of manufacturing enterprises have already been created for residents of the park.

During the meeting the representative of the contractor emphasized that construction, installation and electrical works and also improvement of the territory of substation are made with small advancing concerning the schedule of works stated in the government contract and will be complete in November of this year.

In addition, Sikame Ltd. conducts negotiations with the management company of the park on placement in its territory of hi-tech production of the modern equipment intended for automation of distributive networks and plans to submit the application for placement of this production in 2018.

Already constructed substation brings the Smolensk industrial park to the new level of readiness for placement of manufacturing enterprises, the industrial park Phoenix became one of the first parks in Russia where at the same time there is an operation on building of communications (gas, electricity, water supply) and to involvement of residents that considerably reduces periods of the project startup.

Next year there will be facilities of water supply, water disposal, access roads and other engineering on-site communications in the territory of the park that will actually finish preparation of the territory of the park under construction of industrial facilities of residents.

It should be noted the management company of the park, Corporation of investment development of Smolensk region, executed the site planning of the park which includes the layout of residents, the organization of a street road network, ground leveling and land use engineering.

For reference

SIKAME, LLC is the Russian branch of the group of companies SICAME that has been working in Russia since 2005. The company realizes production activity in 10 regions of Russia, but it point out the Smolensk region as priority. Nowadays the hi-tech enterprise makes armature for mounting and conducts installation and construction works at objects of an energetic complex.

SICAME (France) is the largest global manufacturer of the equipment for electrical power supply networks. Nowadays the group SICAME includes more than 46 companies in 23 countries of the world.


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