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  • Joint Russian-Italian Enterprise Belonging To Graziadio Group Will Be Set Up In the Phoenix State Industrial Park

Joint Russian-Italian Enterprise Belonging To Graziadio Group Will Be Set Up In the Phoenix State Industrial Park

Joint Russian-Italian Enterprise Belonging To Graziadio Group Will Be Set Up In the Phoenix State Industrial Park

Proizvodstvennaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya (Power Generating Company) has become a resident of the Phoenix State Industrial Park located in the Smolensk Region. This decision was made at the meeting held by the Investment Policy Committee representing the Administration of the Smolensk Region and chaired by Rostislav Rovbel, Deputy Governor.

ООО «Корпорация инвестиционного развития Смоленской области»
214025, Россия, Смоленск, ул. Полтавская, д.8а (здание БТИ, 4 этаж)
+7 (4812) 77-00-22

Proizvodstvennaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya (Power Generating Company) has become a resident of the Phoenix State Industrial Park located in the Smolensk Region. This decision was made at the meeting held by the Investment Policy Committee representing the Administration of the Smolensk Region and chaired by Rostislav Rovbel, Deputy Governor.

Rostislav Rovbel addressed the investor on behalf of Alexey Ostrovsky, Governor of the Smolensk Region: “We are pleased to meet this joint enterprise in our region, within the Phoenix State Industrial Park. I would like to assure you of every assistance to be rendered by the Administration of the Smolensk Region for implementing the project, aimed to meet one of the most essential challenges nationwide, i.e. import substitution. I also believe it important to emphasize that all the utility systems of the Phoenix State Industrial Park are to be completed by the end of this year. Construction works proceed according to schedule.”

The company manufactures busbar trunking systems and other types of electrical power equipment in Smolensk. The industrial enterprise has no rivals in Russia, in addition, the manufactured products being competitive against similar goods made by European and Asian producers are export-oriented.

The company provides high quality products at a lower price comparing to foreign producers. According to the investor, the enterprises using this equipment haven’t faced its malfunctioning for the last 58 years.

Today the products are used in many cities and regions of Russia. Besides, it is successfully exported to CIS countries and Europe.

The total investments into the project at its first stage amount to 30 mln. roubles. The new production facility will allow for increasing the sales volume up to 300 mln. roubles in the next 10 years. The project implementation will help create at least 20 jobs for the locals and provide the wage level being above average in the region.

The enterprise using imported and domestic high-tech equipment, with its production and assembly processes performed in Russia and based on the Italian component parts allows not only to cut costs, but also to reduce the busbar price and delivery time for up to 1 day. The enterprise is actively engaged in purchasing raw materials from a Alvid company based in Smolensk, which is also the Phoenix Park resident. However, it is seeking for industrial cooperation with other regional entities. 

Worth noting is the fact that Proizvodstvennaya Energeticheskaya Kompaniya was founded in 2015 and has gradually become the third plant in the world and the first one in Russia, representing Graziadio company based in Italy, which deals with busbar systems’ production. Graziadio company was founded in 1959 and has taken the lead in its line of business.



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