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  • Telecom Network Has Been Installed in the Phoenix Industrial Park

Telecom Network Has Been Installed in the Phoenix Industrial Park

Telecom Network Has Been Installed in the Phoenix Industrial Park
Rostelecom has installed a telecom network in order to provide the residents of the Phoenix Industrial Park in the Smolensk Region with communication services. The provider`s specialists organized broadband Internet using the GPON technology and laying almost 2 km-long fiber optic lines. The provider guarantees customers the Internet bandwidth of up to 1 Gb/s and the possibility to use several high-runner services for business purposes at once.
ООО «Корпорация инвестиционного развития Смоленской области»
214025, Россия, Смоленск, ул. Полтавская, д.8а (здание БТИ, 4 этаж)
+7 (4812) 77-00-22

Rostelecom has installed a telecom network in order to provide the residents of the Phoenix Industrial Park in the Smolensk Region with communication services. The provider`s specialists organized broadband Internet using the GPON technology and laying almost 2 km-long fiber optic lines. The provider guarantees customers the Internet bandwidth of up to 1 Gb/s and the possibility to use several high-runner services for business purposes at once.

“We are interested in providing the park residents not only with energy and engineering infrastructures, but also with telecommunications networks. The availability of telecom networks in the territory of the industrial park strengthens the attractiveness of the site for our potential residents, because organizing the business activities is impossible without IT services,” emphasized Olga Antonova, Acting Director General of the Investment Development Corporation of the Smolensk Region.

The established infrastructure will provide new production facilities located on the industrial site with a full range of modern digital services, including telephony services, VATS, Internet and video monitoring. The park has a reserve for scaling and a full providing all residents with digital services. The Phoenix park residents are currently connecting to the installed network. The GPON technology, providing the Internet connection, ensures the stability and high quality of the connection independently from the total network load and external factors.


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