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  • The Polish company considers the industrial park Phoenix for production localization

The Polish company considers the industrial park Phoenix for production localization

The Polish company considers the industrial park Phoenix for production localization

The meeting of representatives of Administration of the Smolensk region and the management of the company UNIA, the largest Polish producer of agricultural machinery, took place in Smolensk. There was discussed an issue of cooperation in the territory of the region.

ООО «Корпорация инвестиционного развития Смоленской области»
214025, Россия, Смоленск, ул. Полтавская, д.8а (здание БТИ, 4 этаж)
+7 (4812) 77-00-22

The meeting of representatives of Administration of the Smolensk region and the management of the company UNIA, the largest Polish producer of agricultural machinery, took place in Smolensk. There was discussed an issue of cooperation in the territory of the region.

Last year the representatives of Department of investment development of Smolensk region and Corporation of investment development of the region visited the UNIA plant in Poland and held the presentation of investment potential of the Smolensk region. This time the delegation of the company made a return visit to Smolensk with intentions to localize their production.

The large warehouse of the company is located in Smolensk. Unia-Vostok has become the strong acting distributor of agricultural machinery in the territory of the countries of the Customs Union within three years of existence. Deliveries from Smolensk were carried out to Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and other countries.

However, the management of the company understands that localization of production will offer new prospects of marketing development and will reduce cost value of products. UNIA considers the industrial park Phoenix as a site for business localization.

At the meeting representatives of Administration of the Smolensk region told about advantages of opening of production in the industrial park and also about different programs of support of the agricultural producers which work in the territory of the region.

The representatives of UNIA visited the state park Phoenix and got acquainted with its opportunities and production potential.

UNIA is the largest Polish producer of agricultural machinery. About 25 000 units are annually made at the enterprise, more than 10 000 units go for export to 60 countries. UNIA produces the equipment and farmer products at five plants. The group of companies UNIA includes the plants located in Poland and France.

Unia-Vostok, LLC as the only Representative of the group of companies UNIA forms dealer network in the territory of the Russian Federation and coordinates work of the service centers.


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